FedRAMP Marketplace

Case study
Project intro
A user-centric update to a cloud service and offerings marketplace for federal agencies.  
My role
UX Designer
Product images.

The challenge

Our team built a user-centric prototype of an updated FedRAMP marketplace in 60 days. We collaborated with FedRAMP and 18F during the full project. I served as the visual designer and UX specialist.


After a few chats and in-person meetings to bring us up to speed on FedRAMP and our tasks and goals, we established our three persona groups as:
We set up ten interviews with users from these persona groups using a different set of questions for each group. Examples of some of these questions are:

"Talk me through which metrics are valuable in evaluating FedRAMP?" (OMB/FedRAMP staff"

"How do you define FedRAMP success?" (All three groups)

"Tell me what information you need for CSP evaluation." (Agencies)

The answers to these questions were synthesized into a report and helped define our user stories. These, along with overall project goals, built our backlog.
Persona images.

Wireframes & ideation

Quick workshops started defining our proposed solutions. I also began exploring visual style options building on the US Web Design System. I created wireframes and user flows, and I led the presentation of these solutions to the full team. Our user research was essential in this phase, especially when deciding what information to display on individual service/offering details and their hierarchy. After quick feedback and iterations we had our solutions in place.

Mockups were created then shared and tested internally. Due to the 60 day timeline, we only tested internally during this phase.
Wireframe and style images.

Prototype & testing

Working closely with the development team throughout the project helped us get a testable prototype up quickly. We facilitated ten usability testing session with users from all three persona groups. These results were presented to the full team, and changes were suggested, mocked up, then implemented and tested again.

The core functionality tested well and required very few improvements. The majority of our changes were content addition, organization, and priority based.


The prototype was delivered several days early and was shortly available on .

Our documentation and artifacts were handed over and the product continues to evolve!
Product images.